
Category: Linux

Linux Related stuff, system administration, installation tutorials and more

  • Copy a virtual machine from one computer to another

    Copy a virtual machine from one computer to another

    VirtualBox logo

    Copying a VirtualBox virtual machine onto another host computer

    To copy the image to another computer:

    1. Close VirtualBox if it’s running.
    2. Go to your home folder and enable show hidden files through the View menu.
    3. Find the .VirtualBox folder, go to the HardDisks folder and copy the .vdi file you want to use. In my case I burned the file to a DVD because we have so many people who will be needing to save this in their home directory.
    4. Now go to the other host computer you want to use that .vdi file on and open VirtualBox if you’ve never opened it on the new host machine before. This will create the .VirtualBox folder. Then paste it in the same place (user’s home directory -> show hidden files -> .VirtualBox -> HardDisks). You might need to create the HardDisks folder yourself.
    5. Edit the permissions of the file in order for it to work. All I did was right-click on it after moving the file over and give read & write permissions to the owner, which should have your username there. You can change the permissions to the group and others sections if needed later, but that wasn’t necessary for me.

    Once you’ve copied the disk image you need to create a new machine and register that hard disk with VirtualBox on the target host machine:

    1. From the VirtualBox window click the New button. This will open the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
    2. VM Name and OS Type – Give it a name and pick the type & version of the virtual machine OS.
    3. Memory – Just leave it as the default. You can change it later if you notice any problems.
    4. Virtual Hard Disk – This is where you select the hard disk you copied in to the home directory earlier. So click on existing and when the Virtual Media Manager window comes up choose to Add. It should take you to the correct folder so just select the image file and click open, then select.
    5. You’re done, it’ll take you back to the main window with the new virtual machine you just created based off the existing image file.

    If you notice things running slowly you can shut down the machine, go to settings, and change the base memory allocation. Dont get crazy here because if you allocate too much your system may become unresponsive once you launch the VM.

  • Heroes Of Newerth Open Beta OUT!!!!

    Heroes Of Newerth Open Beta OUT!!!!

    Heroes of Newerth is a DOTA based game which provides player stats, powerful matchmaking system, game reconnection, diverse heroes and my favourite, leaver protection!

    This game was closed beta for a while but now It has just become open so everyone can test and play it.

    Here is a video so you can get the idea:

    Download directly from SNOTT the windows version, notice that you have to create an account on to be able to play.

    Download for WINDOWS

    Download for LINUX

    Linux Install Instructions:

    Make the file executable with:

    chmod +x

    run in terminal with:

    $sudo ./

    UPDATE: This game download is very old, but I choose to keep it here so you guys have an alternate mirror for downloading the game in case hon servers get overloaded, I will try to upload the new version of Linux client when I have some spare time, also notice this game is now totally FREE to play!
